

Oct 31, 2014
Category: General
Posted by: sbsreddy
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CMS - 1.11.11 - San Cristobal

Epces circular no. 34 dated 3-11-2006

Epces circular no. 34 dated 3-11-2006
Sub : Notification of permissible authorized operations, in SEZ, by Ministry of Commerce & Industry vide Notification dated 27-10-2006

As per Section 4(2) of the SEZ Act, 2005, the Board may authorize the developers to undertake in a SEZ, such operations which the Central Government may authorize. Accordingly Central Government was required to notify the authorized operations which Board of Approval may permit a developer to undertake in a SEZ.

Now, Ministry of Commerce & Industry has issued a notification on 27/10/2006 wherein a list of authorized operations has been notified. This list of authorized operations has been notified in respect of the following:-

(A) Information Technology/Information Technology Enabled Services, Bio-technology and Gems and Jewellery Special Economic Zone

(B) Sector Specific Special Economic Zones

(C) Multi Product Special Economic Zones

A copy of the Notification is enclosed alongwith.

This is for your information please.