7/2004-Customs (NT), dated 21.1.2004
21st January ,2004
Notification No. 7/ 2004 - Customs (N.T)
In exercise of powers conferred by clause (aa) of sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Customs Act,1962 (52of 1962),the Board hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.12/97-CUSTOMS (N.T), dated the 2nd April,1997, namely:-
In the Table to the said notification , after S.No.12 and the entries relating thereto , the following S.No and entries shall be inserted ,namely:-
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
“13 | West Bengal | FALTA Special Economic Zone |
Unloading of imported goods and loading of exported goods” |
V. Kezo
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Note:-The principal notification No. 12/97-CUSTOMS (N.T), dated the 2nd April,1997,was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part-II,section3, sub-section (i), vide G.S.R 193 (E) dated the 2nd April,1997 and was last amended vide notification No.1/2004-CUSTOMS (N.T.), dated the 2nd January, 2004, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part-II,section 3, sub-section (i), vide G.S.R. 4 (E),dated 2nd January , 2004.